The Survival Imperative

With humanity facing its greatest series of simultaneous crises, Ervin Laszlo offers a scientifically based perspective on what is called for at this critical juncture of our existence: a phase of upshift to higher levels of order and coherence to keep us on our evolutionary path.
This book lays out why this upshift is needed, what resources we possess to draw upon, and what the action steps are that will move us all toward this achievable vision of wellbeing and wholeness. With an inclusive list of conscious organizations already contributing to this vision, Laszlo's book is essential reading for completing the process of global transformation already underway.
EXCERPT from the book
We have reached a critical juncture in our evolution on the planet. Now we face a survival challenge: evolve or perish. If we are to set forth our tenure on Earth, we need to evolve the way we relate to each other and to the planet. This calls for a change in the way we act, which in turn calls for a change in the way we think. This is a crucial, and by no means simple task. How to cope with it is the subject of this book.
We need to wake up to the realization that the problems, the crises and the threats we experience are symptoms of the way we have been, and on the whole still are, thinking and acting. We live in an era of rapid change — an evolution of which the outcome is not yet decided. This is not a biological, but a social and cultural, a human feeling and perception evolution.
There is more to evolution than we have been told. The new sciences of life tell us that evolution is not limited to the genetic pool of living species. It is a fundamental process of change and development involving all facets of life on the planet — involving indeed the planet itself. It is not limited to the Earth. It is a universal progression from origins in the chaos of the Big Bang to the order and coherence that now meets our eye — of which conscious human beings are among the most remarkable manifestations.
However, evolution is not a smooth and even process; it unfolds on this planet in a strongly nonlinear fashion. It is continuous, but it is interspersed with radical fluctuations, dramatic fallbacks and positive forward leaps. Its phases of downshift may be followed by a phase of upshift to higher forms and levels of order. We have just lived through a phase of traumatic downshift on the planet. If we are to attain to the phase of a positive upshift, we must survive the impact of the downshift and not fall victim to it.
We are at a tipping-point in our evolution, a watershed that leads either to the extinction of the human species, or to the birth of a planetary civilization where humans live in harmony with each other and with life on Earth.
For a member of a conscious species, purposively guiding its evolution to harmony with life on Earth should not prove to be a utopian venture. It is feasible in principle, and should be feasible in practice. Undertaking it is the human survival imperative. It does not call for manipulating the physical and biological conditions of human life, nor for altering the genetic constitution of the human and other species. It calls for a more evolved and enlightened consciousness, inspired by the evolutionary impetus of living in harmony with life and the universe.
Consciously guiding our evolution to harmony with the symphony of life is the necessary and urgent next step to ensure our tenure on the planet. This is a momentous step, a step of truly cosmic dimensions. Protecting the persistence of a conscious species in the universe is a cosmic mission. When we undertake it, we shall have reached a momentous milestone in our evolution. We can then celebrate the return of harmony and peace on the planet.
Editorial Reviews
As a species, humanity has arrived at a crossroads. One road is to sleepwalk to extinction. The other road, which Ervin Laszlo shows so eloquently in this book, could help create a critical mass for a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier and joyful world. Only conscious evolution can save us. -Deepak Chopra, MD, pioneer in integrative medicine, author of numerous New York Times bestsellers, including Metahuman
This is destined to be one of the most important and potent books of our time. -Jean Houston, PhD, philosopher, author of The Possible Human
The Survival Imperative provides paradigm-shattering new knowledge revealing an extraordinary evolutionary event ... the dawn of a new civilization. -Bruce Lipton, PhD, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief
This indispensable and inspiring book, grounded in Laszlo's mastery of systems theory and the science of evolutionary consciousness, provides readers with a lucid, energizing, and visionary handbook for human survival. It is a guide for the species on a global scale. -Richard Falk, Founder, Center of International Studies, Princeton University
Laszlo's book catapults us beyond simply knowing that today's world is in the final throes of a dangerously unsustainable path; it provides a mind-map to empowering a new world. -Gregg Braden, bestselling author of The Divine Matrix and The Wisdom Codes
I hope this book will encourage and inspire people to pick up the baton and play a part in creating a 'brave new world' - before it is too late. -Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
This book is fundamental for all humankind ... it reconnects us to that universal in-forming field that underlies our existence. -Pier Mario Biava, MD, discoverer of the cell integrity-based cancer treatment
This book allowed me to understand Ervin Laszlo's belief that the Universe is conscious - and it also helped me to know what I could do, to feel a unique part of it, and to enjoy helping humanity and the planet progress positively. -Andrew Lord Stone, Member House of Lords, UK Parliament
Vital information, if you care about your children's Tomorrow! -Neale Donald Walsch, co-founder of Humanity's Team, author of the Conversations with God series
This invaluable book empowers the urgent potential for transformative action whose time has surely come. Founded on the emergent and unitive cosmology of our living Universe and planetary home, Ervin Laszlo extends a global call to embody its innate evolutionary impulse within our collective awareness, offering all of us and especially our young people an achievable vision and authentic hope for a world that thrives for the good of the whole. -Dr. Jude Currivan, cosmologist, author and co-founder WholeWorld-View
A beautiful, inspiring and timely book, full of deep insights into humanity's present condition and the opportunity for change. -Roger Casale, CEO, World Upshift Organisation
A wake-up call that is so urgently needed by every leader and every human being - and then to be acted upon in oneness. -Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, author of Tao Calligraphy
A book of humanity awakening into conscious evolution. The development of civilization will never be the same any more. -Frederick Tsao, 4th Generation Family Business Steward, author of One Choice One World, The Rise of the Well-being & Happiness Economy