The Upshift: The Path to Healing and Evolution on Planet Earth
"Ervin Laszlo offers a road map for liberation from suffering that satisfies our deepest yearnings. It's scientific and spiritual at the same time." Deepak Chopra, MD
THE UPSHIFT: The Path to Healing and Evolution on Planet Earth is the latest and most essential contribution to peace and well-being by Ervin Laszlo, considered one of the greatest thinkers and humanists of our time. His book is an antidote to the pessimism and inaction that spreads in the world. It shows that we can meet the challenges that face us—the challenges of war and aggression, of climate change and destitution, and of the virus pandemic. There are two paths opening for us today: a path UP to healing and evolution, and a path to DOWN to crises and chaos. This book tells you how you can enter on the upward path: how you can upshift to a better world. Those who have read its advance drafts consider it a must-read for every wakened and responsible person on the planet. Open its pages and see why. It could change you and change the world around you.
Join the movement for an Upshift. It is your life and your world that are at stake.
A selection of advance comments
“If you are looking for hope, for a “way out” of our present situation, for real solutions, and for crystal clarity in how to apply them right now, read The Upshift by Ervin Laszlo immediately. Your search will end—and your yearned-for future can begin—on its pages. Thank you, Ervin, for capturing all we need to know, and sharing all we need to do, for us to produce all we need to experience in order to meet the promise of our highest and most loving-for-all tomorrow.”
Neale Donald Walsch
Author of Conversations with God
“Your book, right now here today, is the most important book out there. It’s a blueprint. It’s not necessarily easy being the change you want to see in the world—it takes some very conscious decisions. But your book is so important for people today. I cannot thank you enough.”
Michael Sandler
Host of The Inspire Nation Show
“Ervin Laszlo, our generation’s greatest planetary philosopher, author of so many books that helped shape my awareness, has written a simple, clear set of steps we can all follow to create the thriving human society in harmony with our planet that, in our hearts, we know is possible.”
Hazel Henderson ̄
Author of Creating Alternative Futures
“Laszlo is the most prolific twenty-first century systems philosopher. His new work, The Upshift, may well be the most terse, elegant, and comprehensive treatise in modern times to address an ecological crisis that is, as he ably demonstrates, a crisis of human consciousness and ethics. Congratulations to Dr. Laszlo on a powerful achievement!”
Michael Charles Tobias
President, Dancing Star Foundation
"For decades Ervin László has taught a generation of thought leaders how to understand the problems of our contemporary civilization. In The Upshift - Thriving on Planet Earth he articulates more powerfully than ever before how to solve them. Despite our challenges there are reasons for positivity and hope, and this book provides them in abundant supply."
Marianne Williamson
bestselling author, political activist and spiritual thought leader.
Co-founder of The Peace Alliance
“The Upshift: Responsible Living on Planet Earth is a perfect blend of rock-solid science, spiritual philosophy, and common sense woven into a practical guide to life in the post- pandemic world!”
Gregg Braden
Author of The Wisdom Codes
“A shift is imminent for our world and Ervin Laszlo has profiled this shift clearly and convincingly. The Upshift: Responsible Living on Planet Earth has distilled it into simple steps for those who choose to act. With this book, humanity has a way to respond to the call.”
Frederick Tsao
Chinese Business Leader and Visionary
“In The Upshift: Responsible Living on Planet Earth, Ervin Laszlo urges us to seize this unprecedented opportunity to shift up to a better world. His words are compelling and uncompromising, but at the same time, filled with great love for humanity. You will hear the universe speaking through him, saying, ‘Come evolve with me!’”
Masami and Hiro Saionji
Chairperson and President, The Goi Peace Foundation
“In his latest book, Ervin Laszlo offers us a thread of Ariadne, guiding us through the labyrinth of modern life to confront and overcome the Minotaur: the obsolete ideas, irrational beliefs, and outworn habits of behavior that currently control us. In the wak our multifaceted global crisis, he shows us how to shift our thinking in practical, informed, and creative ways. A book of great importance at this crucial time of choice.”
Anne Baring
Author of The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul
“We live in a time of colossal challenges necessitating systemic societal change. Dr. Lazlo’s seminal new book The Upshift is a must-read for anyone who wishes to make a difference in our world. Drawn upon profound wisdom, it’s a clear roadmap to create the much-needed shifts to build a thriving world for all.”
Jean-Louis Huard
CEO, The People Together Internet Platform
“As the executive producer of the documentary about the life of a genius, Ervin Laszlo, I also have the honor of calling Professor Laszlo my friend. He is a true humanitarian as well as a brilliant quantum physicist whose newest book The Upshift shines the light on some of the most difficult and complex issues facing the world today. The Upshift is a book that can make a real shift in the life of the reader. It is a book full of incredible wisdom and practical solutions.”
Darla Boone
Executive Producer, Boone Media
“Ervin Laszlo’s The Upshift brilliantly distils a lifetime of evolutionary thinking to address our human planetary predicament of unsustainable business as usual while proposing a detailed blueprint for a grassroots co-creative way forward to a flourishing future for life as a whole within an expanded holistic, eco-systemic, and spiritual world view—essential reading for our time!”
David Lorimer
Program Director, The Scientific and Medical Network
"Birth. Death. Rebirth. From uplift to Upshift, Ervin Laszlo is an extraordinary midwife facilitating our species' majestic rebirth with love, during existential and essential times."
Alison Goldwyn
Founder & Creative Director Synchronistory
"Had Ervin Laszlo lived in Isaac Newton's time, the world would have faced a dilemma; whether to go the mechanistic route, or take the evolutionary path pointed towards in The Upshift. Not only does Ervin challenge the reductionist mindset showing the grave destruction it has caused, but he also provides an optimistic, paradigmatic direction to the future of our world. In a nutshell, “The mystic truth” inherent in all human beings, as in all forms of life, is an active if extremely subtle “holotropism”—the tendency toward coherence and oneness,” asserts Ervin Laszlo. who is among the foremost emissaries of the Universe."
Sunil Malhotra
Founder & CEO, Ideafarms (India)
The Upshift Movement aspires to bring together the group of dedicated people anthropologist Margaret Mead had in mind when she said ‘Never to doubt the power of a small group of people to change the world’. The Upshift Movement invites you, a conscious and responsible member of the human community, to be an active part of that group.
The Upshift Movement is a shared enterprise of the human community at this critical juncture of its history. It is a cooperation-based undertaking of conscious and ethical people and not the privileged domain or intellectual property of any individual or group of individuals.
By joining the Upshift Movement you can play your part in helping to create a more peaceful, humane, and sustainable world.
Join the Upshift Movement:
FOREWORD by Gregg Braden
In the UpShift: Meeting the Challenge philosopher and system theorist Ervin Laszlo answers the question that’s on everyone’s mind—How do we build a better, post-pandemic world while honoring the most cherished values and achievements of our past?
In seven easy-to-read chapters and an informative Annex, Laszlo
1) identifies our once-in-a-civilizational opportunity to reimagine a healthy new world as we emerge from our global lockdown;
2) zeroes in on the thinking that has led to the world crises we see in the world today;
3) offers a blueprint for human evolution: for achieving our highest levels of individual and collective creativity.
The UpShift: Meeting the Challenge catapults us beyond casual speculation of what’s possible, to reveal the practical steps that we can take right now, to unveil and take in hand the collective destiny of humanity, and of our individual lives.
A WORD TO THE READER by Michael Bernard Beckwith (Founder & Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual Center) snippet
The Upshift: Responsible Living on Planet Earth carries great vision, but also actionable steps that we as a global community must take to leap into the next vision and version of humanity. The three clarion calls drafted by Ervin and His Holiness the Dalai Lama serve as necessary mind-shifts to embrace and manifest the next stage in our unfoldment: 1) The call for Creativity and Diversity, 2) The call for Responsibility, and 3) The call for Planetary Consciousness. There are many systemic issues that we as a global community are facing—climate change, updating the business mindset, deepening our relationship to Mother Nature and each other. As Ervin’s work shows us, they are all interconnected, creating a crisis for humanity. But as spiritual beings living this human incarnation, we must not waste this unprecedented crisis, but call for radical and immediate change!

Ervin Laszlo's Ten Commandments for Thriving in a World of Diversity
Live in ways that enable other people to live as well: Meet your needs and pursue your objectives without detracting from the chances of other people to meet their needs and pursue their objectives.
Live in ways that respect the right to life and to economic and cultural development of all people, wherever they live and whatever their ethnic origin, sex, citizenship, station in life, and belief system.
Live in ways that safeguard the right to live in a viable environment of all the living things that inhabit the earth.
Pursue happiness, freedom, and personal fulfillment in harmony with the integrity of nature and with consideration for the related pursuits of others around you.
Require of political leaders that they relate to other peoples peacefully and in a spirit of cooperation, recognizing the legitimate aspirations for a better life and a healthy environment of all members of the human family.
Require of business leaders that they accept responsibility not only for the owners and shareholders of their enterprise, but for all its stakeholders, demanding that they produce goods and offer services that satisfy legitimate demand without impairing nature and reducing the opportunities of local enterprises and poor economies to compete in the marketplace.
Require public media to provide a constant stream of reliable information on basic trends and crucial processes to enable citizens and consumers to reach informed decisions on issues that affect their health, prosperity, and future.
Make room in your life to help those less privileged than yourself to live a life of dignity, free from the struggles and humiliations of abject poverty.
Work with like-minded people to preserve or restore the essential balances of the environment in as well.
Encourage young people and open-minded people of all ages to evolve the spirit that could empower them to make ethical decisions on issues that decide their own future and the future of their family, partners, and children.