Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Garry Jacobs

EPISODE N. 10 | GARRY JACOBS – Today’s discussion: Our world is entering what may be referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is an era marked by technological advances which manufacture machines that are capable of outperforming human beings in a variety of activities and with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI.), this will include “thinking”.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution was ushered in by the Third Industrial Revolution from which we are only now emerging and was characterized by a widespread dissemination of information—steam and electricity were the attributes of the First and Second Industrial Revolutions, respectively. As A.I. becomes more prevalent technology will continue to reshape and revolutionize human life, blurring the distinction between physical, digital, and biological systems and processes.
Could many of the problems that the world faces today—Social injustice, climate change, pandemics, and so forth—be the result of humankind using the tenets of an old paradigm in an arena where they no longer apply?
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Kingsley Dennis
EPISODE N. 9 | KINGSLEY DENNIS – Today’s discussion starts off with an investigation of storylines and narratives.
Are storylines a necessity for the human species, perhaps an element that is intrinsic to our DNA? What role do they serve in furthering our evolutionary progress to a new paradigm, and how often are they at odds with such progress? Do storylines have an expiration date at which they outlive their usefulness and then require a new narrative to take over?
Helping us to answer some of these questions we are joined by the renowned author, researcher, and futurist Kingsley Dennis. This deeply informative discussion moves on to explore such matters as the price of excessive individualism and the spirit of play.
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Michael B Beckwith

EPISODE N. 8 | MICHAEL BECKWITH – In this episode, Ervin and Alison are joined by Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder and Spiritual Director of the Agape International Spiritual Center.
Agape is a term from ancient Greek meaning “unconditional love” and since its founding in 1986, the Agape Center has pursued a mission of fostering a living environment for individuals to realize that they are unique emanations of God, the Love-Intelligence governing the Universe. Today Michael and our hosts discuss the distinction between our ego and the subtle voice of guiding consciousness, and how to navigate between the two.
From there, we also engage in a conversation about intentionality, the costs and benefits of new technology, and how to lead a meaningful life.
Change Your Mindset!

Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Jude Currivan

EPISODE N. 7 | JUDE CURRIVAN – In today’s episode we are joined by cosmologist, futurist, and author, Dr. Jude Currivan as we embark on an expansive discussion of the Cosmos and what implications our often self-destructive activities here on earth might have on a universal consciousness.
We then delve into the subject of space exploration and how we should think about the very likely scenario of an encounter with extraterrestrial life. Jude also provides some commentary on her statements made to the COP26 (the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference).
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Roger Nelson

EPISODE N. 6 | ROGER NELSON – Today we are honored to welcome the American scientist and researcher, and retired Princeton scholar, Roger Nelson for an in depth discussion on randomness, technology, and consciousness; including his research on Random Number Generators and its relevance to human connection.
Roger also shares some of his thoughts about Artificial Intelligence and his favorite quote from the Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”
Add Heart® Podcast episode: The Heart - A Transmitter of Information to the World

Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D, Founder-Director of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research For humanity to learn to get along with each other, it will require more heart. Despite the seemingly unsolvable separation and polarization between people and groups that we see, there is also an amplification of the collective heart throughout the planet. More people are realizing that we are all interconnected, and we need to help each other through increasing kindness and care. The omnipresent virus, climate change and extreme weather events, and an uncertain future are waking us up to our interdependence with each other and with nature.
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Howard Martin (HeartMath)

EPISODE N. 5 | HOWARD MARTIN (HEARTMATH) – Today’s episode with Howard Martin was recorded in two parts, the first with Howard and Alison, and the second part also includes Ervin Laszlo. Howard Martin is an author, business executive, and Executive Vice President, HeartMath LLC.
The HeartMath Institute is a non-profit organization committed to helping awaken the heart of humanity. HMI believes that when we align and connect our hearts and minds and connect with others, we awaken the higher mental, emotional and spiritual capacities that frequently lie dormant.
Our conversation today covered a range of fascinating subjects including HeartMath’s Heart Sensor App technology (i.e. The Inner Balance Trainer, available for Apple and Android devices), Heart Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, and the path to a more compassionate world.
The Laszlo Upshift Festival

Celebrating the upshift to the bright alternative through the publication of a milestone book, an exclusive podcast series, advanced action seminars and an insightful TV Documentary.
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Lynne McTaggart

We will also see how Lynne applies her science-based findings through her Intention Experiments, to quantifiably demonstrate how specific environments around the world show evidence of residual trauma, while other are capable of resonating healing energy.
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Michael Tobias

In today’s podcast Michael Tobias speaks with host Ervin Laszlo and moderator Alison Goldwyn to contemplate the value of the human species, and why it is (or perhaps is not) important for us to continue our stay on this planet. This episode concludes with co-host Fred Tsao offering some of his own thoughts on the same subject.
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being THE PODCAST: Holiday Special Edition

Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast with Hazel Henderson

EVOLUTION — ‘The Force’ That is With Us

May the force be with you!
(Star Wars greeting)
Dawn of An Era of Well-Being: The Podcast Series

Dawn of An Era of Well-Being is the podcast that brings together some of the world’s most innovative thinkers to weigh in on matters concerning the future of ourselves and our planet—and to discuss that future not as something to be predicted, but to be created.
In each episode, your hosts Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao, and moderator Alison Goldwyn will converse with guests from numerous disciplines to help us navigate a new worldview which derives its wisdom from a synthesis of ancient and modern, East and West, and science and spirituality. From these seemingly divergent perspectives, we will demonstrate how to we can create a new narrative and usher in the dawn of a better era.
Ervin Laszlo Shares Survival Strategy To Rebuild Our World After Global Crisis

Humankind today is facing monumental challenges. We know now, more than ever before, that we must change or perish. Worldviews are the foundation of culture, and the challenges we face have presented us with an opportunity to move to a new worldview linking ancient and modern, East and West, science and spirituality.
In his new book, Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: New Paths to a Better World, world-renowned philosopher Ervin Laszlo provides ideas that will be of practical value as the human community sets about the enormous task of building a better world.
My journey / Il mio viaggio

The Wisdom Principles - Publishers Weekly review

Hungarian philosopher Ervin Laszlo (Reconnecting to the Source) melds science and spiritual practice in this shrewd guide to enlightened living. He begins by highlighting the need to live a life that is both healthy for Earth and beneficial to oneself, stressing that if readers “think globally, [their] life [will] become richer and healthier.” Laszlo explores how spiritual thinking, which is concerned with “experiential and presentational” knowledge, and the concept of “oneness” allows access to knowledge beyond one’s sensual understandings of the natural world.
New book to be released: Dawn of an Era of Well-Being
'My Journey' New book to be released by Ervin Laszlo

In this book, Ervin Laszlo recounts the story of his life, describing its fundamental transformations from musician to academic to global activist. But this story, he tells the reader, is more than an entertaining read – it also conveys a message. It shows that the quest that has marked Laszlo’s life is profound and meaningful, and important also for the reader. It is the quest find the purpose that underlies our life. Laszlo marshals scientific evidence that life is not a meaningless accident, but the expression of a universal drive in nature: the drive toward the evolution of complex and coherent systems, and of the consciousness that is associated with the systems.
"In this interdependent and interacting quantum universe, this discovery endows your life, and all you do in your life, with supreme meaning and significance. By any measure, Ervin Laszlo has lived an extraordinary life that has unfolded within time as well as outside of time, and the world is a better place because he chose to do so." – Gregg Braden, in his Introduction to this book
To be released by Select Books, New York in September 2021